
Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Simon & Friends storybooks

I went to a meeting organised by the RSA (Road Safety Authorities) last Wednesday 8th. I was tired and not in the mood for going. And it was a miserable evening, to make it worse. So there I was at 7.30pm, on the road battling wind and rain, wondering why I hadn’t stayed in, warm and cosy by my fire. Well, am I glad I went! The Childminder coordinator from the Wexford County Childcare Committee (WCCC) presented everyone present with a program called Simon & Friends, created by the RSA to promote road safety amongst preschool children.

 This program is easy to incorporate into our curriculum: through stories, games and songs, the important messages of road safety can be embedded. There are 4 storybooks teaching the children to always hold hands, stop, look & listen and cross safely.

What I really like about the series is the time and care that went into the design of great characters children can relate to. The books are colourful and adorable.

 So I thought we would wait until after our mid-term break to introduce this new program to the children. It will take us approximately 4-5 weeks to go through it. There are lots of activities to go with it and I’m sure the children will love it. Be ready to be told off if you don’t follow the rules at the pedestrian crossing!!!

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