
Monday, March 28, 2011

A few Easter activities

I have put out new activities for Easter.

  1. The following one is a practical exercise.  I saw it on My Montessori Journey. The children pick up the eggs, open them and see if a little chick pops out. This help with their hand-eye coordination and improve their fine motor skills, as they have to find the way to open the eggs up and put them back together.

2. This activity is meant to reinforce the children's numeral reading and help them develop their counting skills. It goes from 1-10 but I am in the process of making another set for 11-20.

I printed some backgrounds and cut them out in the shape of an egg. Each egg is cut into halves.  I placed white stickers on one half. I wrote the corresponding number on the other half (from 1-10). I laminated all the pieces and I presented this little jigsaw to my son at first, who thought that was a brilliant game. Basically,  the children have to count how many stickers there are on one half and match it to the right number. I am going to make another set with numbers from 11-20.

Maria Montessori observed children would rather correct themselves than depend on an adult to do it for them. She believed that making mistakes was a natural part of learning and that developing self-correction skills helped develop confidence and decision-making skills. Therefore, the Montessori materials and presentations must contain a control of error which makes the child use his/her reasoning abilities. Here, once the child has matched 2 halves, he/she can control if he/she is right by turning the pieces over and see if the background is identical.

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