
Monday, January 23, 2012

Learning colours

Last year I made up a nice little matching game for the younger children (2-3 years old)  in our classroom. I had put it away at the beginning of Septermber and only thought about it after Xmas. It is now sitting on our sensorial shelves and to my surprise, even the bigger children (3-5 years old) love using it. Obviously they would know all the colours by now but they love talking about each picture they pick. SO it turned out to be a great language activity too. I cannot remember exactly where I saw the idea. I know I adapted it for our own purposes.

The game is composed of laminated colour coded bottle with a little pocket in front of each to slide corresponding pictures into. There is one for brown, purple, red, yellow etc.. And then there are a wide range of random laminated pictures in blue, black, pink etc... The child has to pick a picture and fit it into the right bottle. Quiet simple but very effective when teaching colour matching with the little ones. It is just an extension of the Montessori colour tablets.  At the beginning, the child might not even know the names of each colour but learns how to match all the red pictures together, all the yellow ones together etc... Then we move on to naming each colour as we match them.


  1. Sometimes the simple activities are the best though, don't you think? : )

    Maybe this color matching would be a good scavenger hunt activity for the older children too. They could pick a color card and then look around the room for small objects that matched the color. I guess you might lose things that way though. The tiny pink tower piece is forever going missing in my room! Grrrrrrrr.

  2. This is such a nice little color matching activity! I would love for you to share it at What's on the Tray Wednesday!


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