
Friday, March 23, 2012

More Easter activities....

Here are a few more of the Easter activities we have on our shelves:

This Math activity helps the children to reinforce their knowledge of numbers 1-10. I made these cute little egg jigsaws last year.  I printed some backgrounds and cut them out in the shape of an egg. Each egg is cut into halves. I placed white stickers on one half. I wrote the corresponding number on the other half (from 1-10). Finally, I laminated all the pieces . The children have to count how many stickers there are on one half and match it to the right number. What is the control of error? once they have matched 2 pieces, they turned them over and check if the printed patterns are identical.

When the child is emptying the basket, he/she must place all the halves with the stickers and the numbers facing up.

Then the child proceeds to count the stickers...

.... and matches the half with the stickers with the corresponding half. He/she turns the full egg with the pattern facing up. This is what it looks like when the exercise is completed:

Here is a cutting activity I used last year too. I created some strips with Easter patterns. The children must cut along the lines and then use the glue stick. This is actually quite a popular exercise at the moment.

Of course, I have also added the activities we had on our shelves last year. You can see them here and  here. Still more to come. So keep in touch...

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