
Monday, March 16, 2015

Number and shape game at circle time

Building our ability to recognize and form geometrical shapes is part of our everyday math experiences in the classroom and we like to bring it to circle time as often as possible. We also like to use circle time to work as a group and practice our counting. So we brought these 2 elements together in a game during circle time today.
So here is what happened today. Tanya gathered several shapes (rectangle, triangle and circle) of different colours. Reinforcing our knowledge of colours was another goal to the game.  Using our hopscotch mat, Tanya picked up a shape and showed the children how she was going to place her shape on number 3. Then she invited a child to get up and come to pick up a triangle. The child had a look on the red mat placed beside the number mat and successfully picked up a triangle. Tanya then asked the child to place his triangle on number 6. Each child got a turn.

Children love hands-on-experiences and love to be able to move as they learn. This was a great game reinforcing colour, shape and number recognition.